Fortnite Rift Tour Quests- How To Unlock All Rift Tour Rewards

The Fortnite Rift Tour has come to an end, but the Rift Tour Quests live on. Epic continues its week-long celebration of the Rift Tour following Ariana Grande’s awesome in-game performance, and players can earn more cosmetics related to the concert. In all but one case, they need not to have even caught the show. Here’s your full guide to all Rift Tour Quests.

Rift Tour Quests

You can jump into Fortnite any time starting July 29 and earn Rift Tour cosmetics for free by completing Rift Tour Quests. It’s an easier to-do list than the typical weekly challenges, but we’ve gone ahead and provided solutions to each quest just in case you’re stuck.

Interact With The Rift Tour Posters

For this quest, you’ll need to find the promotional posters scattered across the island. They can be found at the following locations:

  • Believer Beach
  • Risky Reels
  • Misty Meadows
  • Retail Row
  • Retail Row

In each case, the posters are plastered to outside walls all over the locations, and you only need to interact with a single poster to complete the challenge.

Reward: Rift-sterpiece Spray

Use An Alien Hologram Pad On Top Of The Party UFO

For this challenge, you’ll want to drop on the center UFO Abductor–the one with the countdown timer– and look for a hologram pad. More holograms will be appearing in the days ahead, but if you’re there as early as you can be, you’ll already find one hologram pad that grants temporary low-gravity movement. Simply interact with it to complete this quest. Both the previous Rift Tour Quest and this one offer Party Assist too, meaning only one person in your squad needs to perform the tasks for all players in the squad to complete the challenge.

Reward: Cloudy Kitty Sticker

Save The Date In The Rift Tour Tab And Play A Match

As mentioned, the Social tab has been temporarily replace with the Rift Tour tab. Navigate to it from within the battle royale main menu and RSVP to the show, then simply load into a round of battle royale. Once completed, you’ll have earned the third Rift Tour Quest reward.

Reward: Cosmic Cuddles Loading Screen

Attend The Rift Tour

This quest is no longer achievable as the Rift Tour is now over. You can catch a full replay of the Rift Tour right here though, so if you missed it, you can still catch up with the concert even as you can’t get the glider. Come from Sports betting site VPbet

Reward: Cuddly Cloudcruiser Glider

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